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API Testing - test setup up to 20x faster than Postman

No-code testing
Delightful UX
Visual and self-documenting tests
100% Git compatible
No throttling, no restrictions

Create quality tests up to 20x faster than Postman

Vizitest uses a combination of AI and best practice algorithms so you can configure test cases up to 20x faster than Postman. Vizitest tests are also self-documenting, so maintaining tests is a dream, not a nightmare.

AI or manually created test data

Choosing test case data is critical to quality. Create your own test case values or let Vizitest-AI do it for you. No Code.

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Auto Generated Test Cases

Now for some more magic. Vizitest instantly generates an optimal, discreet number of test cases by combining request data values across path and query parameteres, body, headers and cookies.

It's clever, so it doesn't generate every possible request combination, which would lead to unnecessary test cases and slow test execution.

Still no code.

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Execute requests

Execute all test cases with a button press. We're not testing yet, but we are executing the endpoint request for each test case.

You can also inspect each request and response.

Again, no code.

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Expected Responses - Manual or Auto

You can now ask Vizitest to set the expected responses it should use for real tests. It can do this for all test cases or individual ones.

At any stage, you can change the expected response data.


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Run Tests

Just press the Execute button and all test cases are immediately executed and evaluated.

Easily see which test cases pass and fail and expand each case to review request, response and the reason for failure.



The whole process takes less than 5 minutes. Your tests are fully configured.
It's self-documenting and visual. 

Not a single line of code to wade through on setup or when things go wrong.

How Vizitest works

A higher level overview


Install locally

Vizitest runs locally so API calls are secure, fast, free from throttling or other limitations and 100% Git compatible.

No data is ever sent into the Cloud other than cloud based endpoints you want to test.

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Add APIs - with or without OpenAPI

Add as many APIs as you need to a Vizitest project. Configure with servers and default headers, cookies and security settings.

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Start playing with endpoints

Trying out an Endpoint is trivial. Configure multiple values for path variables, query parameters, body data, header, cookies and security settings.

Like Postman - only better.

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Amazing, script-free test case management

Our test case handling is incredibly powerful yet easy to use. Add your own test cases or let Vizitest generate them for you.

Need even more control? See below how you can write scripts in any programming language,

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Batch test case execution

Execute all tests in a group and, optionally, in child groups as well.

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Chain endpoint tests in a single configuration

You can make multiple endpoint calls in a single configuration.

Coming soon - pass response data from one endpoint call as request data for a later one.

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Our initial scripting support is Javascript based and allows test case manipulation and assertions.

We will soon add support for server side scripts that can be coded in any language. See the "On our radar" section below for more details.



Exciting things available right now and right around the corner. 


Coming soon

We'll be adding the following shortly

  • OpenAPI - import an OpenAPI specification for instant test configuration creation. Late February, early March.
  • Secrets and Variables - similar to Postman.
  • Mime Types - we already support JSON, text, Javascript, HTML and XML. We're adding the rest soon.
  • oAuth and other Security Settings.
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Passing data in Chained Tests

If your test has more than one endpoint, use response data from one endpoint as request data in another.

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We've already added AI for generating groups and values.

AI will feature in more and more places in Vizitest. However, we won't generate code that needs to be checked and debugged in line with our no (or minimal) code philosophy.

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Create a mocking server for your API before you have any real data. Ideal for both developers and QA.

Populate mocking data from response snapshots or from OpenAPI example data.

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Load Testing

Create load profiles to test how your API performs under real-world conditions.

You can configure the number of simulated users, how long the test should run for as well as graphically alter the call intensity. 

Of course, test results can be analyzed in the Vizitest canvas,

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Server Side Scipts - in any programming language

Pre and post request hooks give you ultimate control. Examine and manipulate data. Even  generate your own dynamic test cases from databases, lookup tables etc.

To make it even easier, we're soon releasing packages/modules for Typescript, Java and C# with more to follow.

programming languages
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Regression testing

Integrate your tests with CI/CD workflows. Run individual tests or batches as defined in the Test Manager.